Interactive LED Panels

this is Something that I can definitely see myself getting into.
Once I hone my skills in woodworking and finally build that coffee table design, Ill be installing this to go with it.
What is it? responsive and interactive arrangement of LED's
the board senses movement and the emmits light where it notices the movement. In a coffee table, when you set your glass down on the interactive table, the table "sees" the motion, and induces a slight ripple starting in that location that can spread out to other areas as it dissipates. The overall effect is a bit like touching a pool of water, in that your local disturbance turns into an overall gentle rippling, and eventually settles down. It is decidedly not a disco floor-- there is no blinking, no programmed oscillations, or for that matter, any digital electronics at all-- the circuitry is completely analog for improved aesthetics and reduced eyestrain.
Built by the guys at and you can buy their kits, bits and peice from
8 panel pre-built kit costs about $800
8 panel soldier your own kit costs $430
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