WGA XP Genuine Advantage - a workaround

I know its a bit late to be posting XP stuff... but i guess better late than never.
Well the main reason im putting this here is cos a friend recently requested it.
Here you go

  1. Go to magic regfile folder and run ''Add Licence To Your Windows.reg'' file
  2. To be sure it's worked use "Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool.exe"
  3. Now you should be able to go and do the windows update and install everything without any Problem as a Genuine XP User !!


If you have accidentaly downloaded ''wga validation tool'' and Microsoft says that you are ''victim of pirated software''

simply run ''wga remover''

  1. Go to the 'Verify if your copy is Genuine or not' folder and run the ''Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool.exe''
  2. Congratulations now ''wga notification tool'' is not active on your pc any more


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